On terschelling you can find different supermarkets. Below you will find an overview sorted by distance.
Getting groceries delivered
0 km distance
Are you having a fun day and don't want to do grocery shopping? It's possible to deliver your groceries at the reception.
Spar campingstore
0,5 km distance
At this supermarket you can do your daily shopping. The supermarket is located near the Dune Lake of Hee, which is about 500 meters. This supermarket is only open during the high season.
Spar West-Terschelling
2,8 km distance
This Spar in West-Terschelling has a slightly more extensive assortment than the Spar at Hee. For larger groceries, is this a good place to go.
Plus in Midsland
3,1 km distance
If you are in Midsland, then you can go shopping at the Plus. This is the same distance as the Spar in West-Terschelling. So, are you leaving from the vacation park? Then you can choose.
Jumbo Formerum
4,6 km distance
When you prefer to go to the Jumbo, you can go to the Jumbo in Formerum. You can go with the car or bicycle.
Spar in Lies
6 km distance
If you are near Lies and need something from the supermarket, you can also visit this Spar.